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Shake a leg it's wet and trembling
My Sister has just given me a quick visit after popping back to Manchester for the weekend. She told me about the earthquakes in Manchester. I'm really fascinated by it and the causes of the minature quakes. Read more about earthquakes in Manchester. I also got a huge shipment of Hollands Pies as you can't get them down here. Those spare tires are coming along in a bad way.

The very heavy showers are becoming more of a source of frustration than when I was in Manchester. Don't really know why either. I expect it's something to do with expectations, but probably due to the fact that wet stone pavements are not the best things to walk on especially when walking up hills.

Lots more work today and I am expecting it to pile up fairly soon. This Masters is not going to be quite as flexible as I first thought. At least it's interesting and giving me a understanding of creative processes and theory.


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