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Then I just go to sleep
Okay more stuff to listen to that I completely forgot until I got back to Manchester. The Soulsavers series of mix CD's are completely brilliant - Fear and Loathing on the Wheels of Steel. All completely unofficial and without any tracklistings, great mix of soul, funk and rock. The guy has a proper record out too, but I've not listened to it yet because setting up my full size record player out from my brother's room is a full day operation mainly because I have to get our kid to clear some space in his Aladdin's cave of junk.

There's also a great mix tape by Kid Koala called Scratchratchratchratch that is quite old but I love it. Oooh some great stuff by the Pernice Brothers too including an excellent Janice Long session, right that's it I think. I'll spend the Christmas holidays listening to a shed load of albums and deciding whether to donate a lot of records to charity shops like I did this weekend. People are always surprised when you donate some decent music. None of that Val Doonican, Jim Reeves or Bros.

Before I go Laura Cantrell is playing on John Peel on Tuesday night.

