Each year goes by and nothing much progresses in my life. In the past year I studied some more and then went and got a job. The studying was worth doing just for myself but I'm wondering if I should have held out for a better job opportunity. Then again if I stayed down in the South West I wouldn't be part of the brilliant Lomomanchester group doing all sorts of crazy things. Why the sudden reflection? Yes it was my birthday on Sunday. I spent the day at my parents helping my dad cut granite floor tiles for the kitchen. For those of you that don't know me, I generally hate everything that goes with birthdays. I for one take it as a normal day. If I have something to celebrate I will celebrate it, but growing older and not much wiser is probably not one of them. I will celebrate if I win of the Lomo/BMWX3 competitions I've entered. Five of us hardcore members took a trip down to Portmerion at the weekend. Home of the Prisoner TV series. The 2 and half hour car journey took us from the grim grey skies of Manchester to the white clouds and sunny skies of Portmerion. We were only there for a couple of hours but had lots of fun taking pictures and generally having a bit of a laugh. I've never been there before but the blue waters, palm trees, pastel colour buildings and the beach were all beautiful. It all seemed very Mediterranean and not at all Wales. As soon as we left we the clouds came over and it was rain back to Manchester... Our group have some great things coming up soon (have to keep it under wraps). Very soon we will be THE hippest photographic collective in Northwest, with it's crazy take on point and shoot photography. Mark my words last Saturday at the Woodstock in Disbury, it was the start of something big. Anyway on Friday i saw Calexico do a fantastic set at the smart Bridgewater Hall. It's great there but I wouldn't advise people to get the end seats of the front row. Much better to get a second/third row in the middle. It's mainly because of the arrangement of the stage that you don't get as clear a view and you get the Showsec security telling you not to take pictures. True to form with a camera that was used by the KGB you don't get caught. Superb renditions of song from their three albums including the excellent The Crystal Frontier as the finale. On their set list they had put down to do a cover of Love Will Tear Us Apart Again which they didn't do. That would have been special. Aidan Smith supporting was also in fine form.