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Hoppy Holloween
It did dry off a bit so we didn't get soaked when walking to the party. It was in essence a teachers Halloween party. Nearly everyone was doing a PCGE. Anyway there were some great costumes including a lot of devils (including my very own Andy Pandy slightly camp looking version), frankenstein, an angel and Superman?!?! It was quite strange that the DJ got told off after playing three songs. Someone chanted 'We want cheese'. I thought 'oh my word' and then promptly there was only Madonna and Prodigy being played for the next three hours along with some brilliantly choreographed moves that would have put even Mrs Ritchie herself to shame(Like A Virgin?!? That was tame). Anyway when you're drunk you dance to anything and that was that. Highly bizarre that it was, generally it was a good party. Teachers have funny tastes in music but are a good laugh.

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