This room of wonder - My own personal wunderkammer
view the real thing

‘One day
that music box might just save you’
confused blocks
Explore my room - right wall

It's a bit bare this side of the room. If it wasn't for the home made poster I'd have to paint a mural on this white prestine canvas to stop it from creating a minimalist attitude. Just stuff
Yes a lot of junk and bits and pieces placed into a cardboard box on my desk. A lot of pens, a wooden pop gun, A-Z of Bristol and Bath, sticky tape, staples, drawing pins, super glue, David Devant and His Spirit Wife paper cube, loads of receipts, fruit stamps, bills, fashion magazine cut outs and numerous other things.
Home made poster strip Home made poster strip
Made from a huge stack of GQ's, Guardian Weekend and other magazines before I put them in the recycle bin. I really like making collages using glossy magazines. The colours, patterns and shades that can be made fascinate me. My housemates have all received birthday cards made from old magazines.
Beck Beck iPod poster
A listing of the songs that Beck had on his iPod from the New York Times in the shape of Mr Hansen himself. He's has a huge variation of songs, but it's only 200 songs or so. They have a iPod DJ bar in New York which I would like to visit.
Wheely drawers Small wheely set of drawers
Full of CD's with MP3's in them and other bits and bobs. Drawers like these are very handy as you can just slip all you small items into them. That's okay until it's time to move and you have to sort through them all again. I usually end up throwing most of the items away.
Chair Chair
One bog standard wooden chair which doesn't provide the best posture around even with cushions. Have to frequently walk around my room and do some stretching. Oh, It's a bit wobbly too.
Extension cable
Silly thing about this room is that there are only two wall sockets in the entire room. With the desk the other side of the room the only way is a huge extension cable. This one is bright orange to stop me from tripping over it.
Big, cluttered with stuff. Countless bits of paper with notes and things to do, receipts, CD's, a fruit bowl, files, my computer... There's so much that things have sprawled to the floor.
Light switches
I don't know why I have a switch for the landing light in my room but I do. Along with the pull switch and normal light switch. It is quite handy though as it is very dark on the landing making it very easy to trip down the stairs.
Stack of newspapers Newspapers
I started putting the papers I read in this corner by the door when I first came, meaning to stick them in the recycle bin each week. It only took me 8 months to finally get this huge stack of newspapers into the bin. They made a good place for putting dirty shoes on when entering the room.
Top shelf
Sparsely populated with a water bottle, that darn red paint paint and inflatable Doraemon.
Second shelf
The shelf is not very deep so most of the books stick out precariously, about to fall down.The problem with the dampness in the room also means putting the books too close to the wall they go all curly which I got annoyed with. Also home of my walklight.
Used to use this quite a lot but I have gone digital with almost all correspondence done electronically. Since I reduced my compilation and record output I've saved myself a lot of ink cartridges.
Sweet and biscuit wrappers
There some really awful packaging design in this world. Not that we need more overpackaging but there are some great designs especially from Japanese sweet manufacturers. Bright colours and super silly cartoon characters on them.

stuff small drawers chair second shelf top shelf desk extension cable light switches newspapers beckposter poster Printer Wrappers The right side of my room
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